365 New Opportunities

Hello friends! 

I hope you had an awesome holiday!

We are closing in on 2016, a year that will go down in history books. And I could jump for joy at my excitement for 2017 and what it may bring into my life and the life of the people around me. I can be so optimistic about the new year but this year especially, I am. Because 2016 has been, by far, the most life changing year of my life.


In March, I moved away from my home state and took a leap of faith to move to Michigan. And it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life thus far. It has been the most amazing adventure - my personal Instagram can atest! I started a new journey on my own snow covered, and therefore unmarked, path that has led and continues to lead me to exactly where I’m meant to be. Everything that happens, happens on purpose. 


2016 taught me to strive for progress over perfection. It taught me that too much Netflix binging is actually a bad thing. And it also taught me that balance is key. It has taught me why we are called human beings and not human doings.


The most powerful lesson it taught me is to enjoy and embrace the process of life. Saying “yes” to what life brings my way - many would call this acceptance. 


I realized it is not about doing the easy thing such as sitting on the couch and watching TV for hours on end. But rather, challenging myself to do the things I may not feel like doing today, because in 5 or 10 years, I will more likely than not thank myself for getting my booty up off the couch. Anybody can do easy. Not everyone can do greatness and live their most optimal life. Simply because many people are not willing to put in the work and give the time it takes. 


Time is the most precious and valuable gift we are all given. 


I love the new year because it signifies 365 new opportunities of life. New Year’s Eve is also the only day that no one questions why I’m drinking champagne. 


Instead of listing off a million typical resolutions that I am likely not going to keep anyways like saving money, traveling to a new place or learning a new language, my resolution this year is to make the most of my 365 new opportunities - however that looks to me. 2017 is going to be my year. I can feel it! 


Ways I am making the most out of my 365 new opportunities:


Practicing my own Miracle Morning - a morning routine concept developed by Hal Elrod. I highly suggest his book. You can build whatever miracle morning works for you. It’s life changing though so beware. My miracle morning consists of meditation, a daily language lesson on Duolingo, an entry into my appreciation journal (a few things I am thankful for from the day before), an affirmation that the life I dream for myself is attainable and lastly, a bit of reading. 

Meditating everyday - I started meditating in June and it has made all the difference. I use an app called Headspace. I am one high strung individual and meditating has allowed me to accept more of the craziness going on around me and in my own head. It has helped clear the clouds (my thoughts) in the sky (my mind) to let through some much needed sunshine (clarity and acceptance).

Exercising regularly - I have been developing my habit of exercise for 6 years now. It is an integral part of my life. I realize that without it, my mental, emotional and obviously, physical health would not be the same. Yes, it is all connected. Keeping your body healthy can also keep your brain healthy. This includes what you're putting into your body.

Reading as a habit - One of my goals for 2016 was to read 2 books a month - a total of 24 books - mainly to develop reading into a habit. I hit it last week, btw - yay me! Reading books full of actionable knowledge like The Happiness EquationThe Miracle Morning, and The School of Greatness (three of my favorites on my list) shift my mindset. Not simply reading these books, but enacting their concepts into my life. I have a list about 50 long for 2017 - wish me luck!

Exploring my spirituality - Whatever that means to me and whatever that means to you, whether in God, Buddha, connecting with nature or a belief in one’s self, cultivating and nurturing spirituality can allow us to be more self-aware and "in tune." We are spiritual beings, after all.

Pushing myself outside of my comfort zone - the "rubber band theory of life" tells us that we are meant to stretch. Not far enough for us to snap but stretch in directions we never thought possible. Whether that means eating a weird kind of sushi I have never tried, talking to the guy I think is cute or jumping out of an airplane, I am stretching myself. 

Enjoying the process of life - I am striving to be more present and moving from day-to-day with sight on the future. I figure as long as I keep growing and progressing, the events of life and the paths I should take will present themselves accordingly so there is no need to worry. 

Seizing the cheese - It happens to be the theme of my blog but hey, it is pertinent to making the most of my days. In other words, this means living life as authentically and abundantly as I possibly can. Loving life even though it may not always love me back. Being you, enjoying the good times and embracing the hardships, however hard they may be, is what makes life the beautiful gift that it is. 


Wishing y’all the happiest of new year’s and the most amazing 365 days of new opportunities!


For those of you that got this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this article. My hope is that it added value to your life instead of being a waste of time. 

I want to hear the ways that YOU are making the most of your 365 new opportunities!!  
