Grad Cheese

Being the cheesehead I am, I had to have a cheeseboard in order to celebrate my graduation. It would have been a sin otherwise. Although it seems crazy to think about, it has been a whole year since I graduated from VCU. This cheese board is still relevant - enjoy!

I chose four different cheeses. Port Salut, a French Emmental cheese, Pre-Moo cheese, and lastly, a extra sharp cheddar cheese. All the ones I found were vegetarian with no meat reddit in it. I will say be careful when purchasing these on your own if you are vegetarian. Some of these cheeses counterparts are not necessarily vegetarian.


First off, this cheddar may sound like some run of the mill type of cheddar. But its flavor and melty goodness helped me gain more respect for this stereotypical cheese. Being an extra sharp, this cheese had a bit more bite than other cheddars.

Second, the Pre-moo cheese was the hardest of them all. As I wrote this, my research revealed that this Pre-Moo cheese is a Gouda and made exclusively for Fresh Market, the grocery store chain. It has a mild flavor with a touch of sweetness. It also melts very well. Gouda being my favorite, this was not one of my favorite goudas, sadly.







Third, Emmental cheese originated from Switzerland. The one I chose was from France. But just the same, being predominantly Swiss, the flavor of the Emmental was very much like the Swiss we find in the grocery store. Slightly bland, in my opinion, but makes up for it with its nutty undertones.



Lastly, the Port Salut is one of my favorite cheeses. It is soft and oh so creamy, with a simple flavor like a mozzarella. There is so much to love in my opinion. It is the softest of the cheeses on this board. Even with the simple flavor, it still has a great amount of gusto. In Belgium, I went on Port Salut overload because it was so cheap over there. Here, not so much โ€“ this stuff makes a mean but expensive component to a grilled cheese


All these cheeses would make for a very good, but expensive, grilled cheese if you combined them all. It would have a nutty zing and the milky creaminess. Not to mention that oh so enticing string of melted cheese when you try to take a bit โ€“ the sign of a good grilled cheese.


You really canโ€™t go wrong with any of these cheeses depending on what you like normally. Try just one, or try them all!