So Many Places, So Little Time

From late March to late June, I have been here there and everywhere. Over that three month period, I honestly don’t think I’ve been here in Michigan for longer than two weeks at a time and a month, maybe month and a half collectively.


I love the adventure this spring & summer has been!


Yet I haven’t taken any big trips like anything out of the country, I have experienced awesome new places and unfamiliar spots in familiar cities.


Each place and the people I enjoyed them with hold special places in my heart.


Running through the mildly long list, I’m gonna tell you my favorite thing about each place I’ve been in the last four-ish months.


Detroit, MI

Being a soul kid at heart, my favorite thing when visiting Detroit in late March was the Motown Museum. I also was able to enjoy this time with my momma.


You walk into the room where legends have been made. It is utterly chilling. It’s a reminder of Detroit’s innovative spirit that still vibrates throughout the city.


Roanoke, VA

My momma is moving from the city where I was born so when I was in Virginia for the majority of April, I spent a good amount of time by myself exploring the city a bit more. Squeezing every last drop I could before it’s no longer “home.”


My favorite part was the hike I took from my backyard up to the famed Roanoke Star. It provides the best view of the city by far.


Charleston, SC

Heading way south to Charleston for Easter was a ton of fun. A few of my mom’s close colleagues live there and it’s been tradition for her to join them for Easter.

I’ve known her daughter since I was 5 so we always join forces when the families get together.


This was the most vacation part of my three week trip down south in April. Every other part was spent hustling over my laptop working on Carpe Corde. It was great to hang in my hammock while looking over the marsh and enjoy time with old friends.


I’m a sucker for a rooftop bar. While in Charleston, SC visiting a few of my mom’s colleagues for Easter, we enjoyed two of them. What what!!


East Bend, NC

A day trip to North Carolina was in order when my dad reminded me of his friends who own the combo llama farm and winery, Divine Llama Vineyards.


Spending time with my dad one on one before leaving for Michigan in the morning was so great and my favorite part of this day.


Traverse City, MI

Driving up M-22 was totally my favorite thing when my friend, Kaitlin, and I went to Traverse City to celebrate her birthday at the beginning of May. Because, let’s be honest, it’d be wrong to choose a favorite of the craft alcohol places (Right Brain Brewery, Bonobo Winery & Acoustic Taproom)


We enjoyed an awesome breakfast at Patisserie Amie and decided to “take the long way” home by driving M-22. Unforgettable for sure.


Water that blue is something most people don’t think of when they think Lake Michigan … unless you’re from here that is.


Chicago, IL

My recent trips to Chicago have been a funny thing. The last three times I’ve gone have been for my IPEC Coaching training. The last one was in May.


Therefore, there isn’t so much sight-seeing and normal Chicago things as there is sitting inside a building for ten hours a day for three days. Exhausted from all the information, not much happens after.


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED (still loving) all of the information I learned in those modules, but Chicago is one of my favorite cities. So to go and not actually go has me raring for a trip (I’m going next week, hehe).


Luckily, being our last module with this cohort, one of my peers hosted us all at his BEAUTIFUL home. My favorite part? THE VIEW.


Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!


Squam Lake, NH


For the three years I’ve known her, my sorority sister and close friend, Maggie, has been yammering on about her lake place in New Hampshire. So when she asked me to join her for the week in late May, it was pretty tough to pass up.


We spent all week relaxing, without internet, drinking mimosas, and talking about life. It was some good downtime from all of the traveling I’d been doing.


Zooming around the lake on the boat was oh so enjoyable and my favorite part of this trip. Seeing the mountainscape and being on the water at the same time was just magical for this mountain/water lover.


Richmond, VA

This trip in June to RVA was all for my momma. She’s been working for these two architecture related places, and killing it btw, for 6 years. They threw her the biggest shindig. Like huge. It was my favorite part by far.


As her daughter, I know she’s flipping awesome, but to sit there and listen for an hour and a half about how awesome other people thinks she was like … what. Jaw dropping stuff here people.


And utterly inspiring!


Lewisburg, WV

Last was not least, my best friend from SCAD, Tori, and I trekked down to West Virginia a week later to see our other best friend who we met at SCAD get married.

The favorite here was our road trip. Tori and I haven’t ever spent that much continued time together. It was a great reminder of how much I honor our friendship as well, this trip was the reason I realized that I was forgetting myself.


The scenery was magnificent, obviously.


Holy shiz, and there you have it. All of my travel in the last four months in 10 minutes.


As you read in my last post, these past four months have not been the easiest for me. These trips helped make it all the more enjoyable to grow and explore.


Thanks for reading about my favorite parts!


What’s been your favorite part about your summer?


Lots of love,

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