Your Oxygen Mask

Hey beautiful, it’s been awhile!


Transition in life is a funny thing.


In November, I started my certification process for coaching. A heightened level of consciousness that has opened up so much knowledge up to me, about myself and everyone around me. Uncovering limiting beliefs and developing the knowledge of core energy began an immersive and massive transformation for my life.


A personal development, spiritual, energetic  journey that will truly last a lifetime.


Four months ago, my life began a full wheel of transition beyond the professional/personal shift months before. I, not only, was out on my own for the first time ever after leaving a secure job and building my life’s work but enjoying the development of a new and unexpected relationship. Tackle moves, in Michigan and at home in Virginia, on there too, for good measure.


My life was different in so many ways that I began to lose myself in all of it. I lost myself in my work, in developing my knowledge, in my relationships and honestly, in my life. I was devoting all of myself to the hustle and bustle, while ignoring something very prominent.


I was forgetting about the most important relationship I have in my life.




Through continually forgetting to fill up my own bucket, instead filling that of my business's, my significant other’s or my friends’, no matter how much I value self-care, it was lost on me. The energetic influences of life were weighing so heavily on me. The realization of this was also not easy.


The thing is that change and transition is a forever constant in life.


For me, this may have been one of the most intensive times of transition that I’ve ever experienced. So yeah, admittedly, I didn’t know how to adapt as well.


As a coach, I’m just like DUUUH. This all makes perfect sense why I feel like I lost myself!


We are all, always, growing, y'all!


Because of this newfound awareness, I am experiencing yet another shift. A shift in priorities back to myself. I’ve committed to building, enriching and rediscovering the relationship with myself and my soul.


Hence why you’re hearing from me.


My lesson for you today:

Remember your own oxygen mask; before you take care of anyone else, you must take care of yourself.



Lots of love,